Monday, October 17, 2011

In Response to a Theist...

There are a few things that annoy me.
One, bad arguments.
Two, Terrible arguments.
Three, people thinking they can speak for me and what I want or believe.

Here is an example of a note I recieved from my best friend, a believer, he is in quotations and I provided answers to what he said just below.

"Thank you for your step by step walk through on how to convert you."
You are welcome.

"I find it interesting, but those are not the things you really want to know."
Just who are you to say what I want? Can you read my mind and tell me, or are you telling me what you think I should want? "I am going to be frank with you."
Then I will be equally frank.

"First I can show you all the proof in the world and it wouldn't matter if you don't really want to know if it is true. I can show you he is real and if you want to find out then you will."
It is the only thing that would change my mind. If you SHOW me and PROVE it like you say you can, I will believe. Because that is being intellectually honest.

"I know that when people don't follow the commandments and don't read or pray etc. it really does effect them."
Sure, I will accept that

"I realize that you Athens don't know who you are."
I thought I was Athens. Please enlighten me.

"And because you don't know yourself that means you are missing a big part of yourself."
Or maybe I know exactly who I am, and Im just missing your point.

"I would look inside yourself to the answers your looking for. Be humble and get on your knees and pray. If you don't want to then ok you are only hurting yourself."
How do you know I have not? It is one of the many things I have done to try to figure out what is going on. The difference is that I did not just look at the shiny side of the coin. You sir have not really studied and considered the alternatives as far as I can tell.

"Its more a pride thing when anyone doesn't pray that is all."
How do I know which god to pray to? I have tried quite a few of them and the results are always about the same as chance.

"I find it easy to define God he is a real person that does know everything. I know he does because I have met him. And yes Athens I have."
This is quite the claim!! Please provide details, how do you know you were not hallucinating? How do you know it was him?

"Look around at all the things we have in this world. The smallest thing to the largest thing all is organized."
What do you mean by organized? Because if I drop six whole eggs in a small pan it will make a very organized pattern. Did god organize them, or does it just have to do with the natural forces acting on them?

"It doesn't take a super smart guy to figure that out. The thing you might be asking yourself is how does he know. I will ask you a question how does salt taste? If you can tell me that then you are amazing."
Salt tastes like salt. There. Im amazing. When the combined sodium and chlorine hit my tongue it has a unique chemical reaction with my saliva and my taste buds send a signal to my brain letting me know that i am tasting what is labelled "salt."
Now consider this. We have a person who can only see in black and white.
How do we prove that color exists? It CAN be demonstrated.
Your salt analogy is a cop out.

"I know you have experienced times in your life when you have felt the savior's love."
How do you know?

"And how do you explain it?"
Just getting a "feeling" does not prove his existence anyway. I may have felt something which I attributed to him, but that does not make him real. Muslims, Hindus, christians etc. all say they feel something like that.

"I know that you want proof about many things. I don't need proof that you are going to read this. I know you will."
Bad analogy. Having a reasonable expectation that I will check comments based on past experience is NOTHING like having hope that your god exists.
"Just like I know God answers prayers, blesses people etc."
Please provide examples and concrete evidence. Also, the result should be repeatable in a controlled environment, we should be able to make accurate predictions based on past experience as well..

"Everything that is written in scripture is physical proof about God."
Everything that is written in the harry potter series is physical proof about wizards?

"Why would so many people for so long write about someone that doesn't exist? That doesn't make sense."
Thou shall not claim that because a premise is popular, it must be true. (Bandwagon fallacy)
My simple rebuttal, Why would so many people for so long believe in zues if he does not exist? That doesnt make sense.

"Why was this country founded on religious freedom?"
Who told you this tripe? I will simply refer you to this article which may clear things up a bit.

"Why do we have people die in the name of their religion?"
They are called martyrs. Need I remind you of 9/11? It is not necessarily good, nor is it necessarily true.

"I have seen miracles that I know for a fact are true as much as I know you are real."
Again, provide proof.
"I am not here to convert you."
That seems obvious, none of your arguments so far have held much weight.

"And actually I can't and I don't want to because it is not my job."
Oh really? 1 Peter 3. 15.
"But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts:and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear."

An Atheist's Analysis of Theism and Gods: How do you justify your beliefs?
(More on the subject ^^^)  

"I went on a mission and taught 1000's of people and did I convert one soul. NO. not one. Because it was the person's choice to ask someone they could not see if he existed. And he answers them."
Then why not answer me?

"And to answer your question about the flying spaghetti monster if it exists, sure it does. Take a handful of spaghetti and throw it across the room there is your answer."
"Athens your my best friend and I know your a wonderful person. I love you like a a brother. I will take a bullet for you any day of the week. I will walk with you to hell and back, just let me know when you want to take a walk. You do have many people who love you."
Daniel, you sir I consider my brother. I will take your bullets, I will walk to metaphorical hell and back. I love you guys too.

Now i know i sound harsh. Some of the things you said kinda coaxed that out of me. Realize that that is not because i wish to offend. It is because i was being frank. I apologize.


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